Anal cancer

Anal cancer is a rare cancer. It occurs in the anal canal. Anal cancer symptoms include anal discomfort and itching, with no or only minimal anal pain. There are small lumps on the verge of anus and enlarged groin lymph nodes. When the cancer infringes the sphincter, you will have pain. If the cancer lasts for a long time, ulcers can form along with tenderness. Its secretions are thin, often mixed with blood tint. At the bottom of the ulcer, there are gray necrotic tissue and granular nodules. Scab can form and it bleeds easily. Treatment includes surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Surgical treatment depends on location of the cancer, whether the sphincter is affected, and whether there is groin lymph node metastasis. The majority of anal cancer can be found at early stage and treatment success rate is quite high.

How is Anal cancer treated in practice?