
If your baby is crying about the same time every day, the baby may have colic. Before babies are 4 months old, the intestine wall nerves have not well developed. It is likely to cause fast intestinal peristalsis, spasm and pain. Common symptoms are intestinal cramps and abdominal bulging. There are two peak attack hours: 4-8 pm in the afternoon and around mid-night. Once colic attacks, baby expresses it by high decibel crying, holding the fist and kicking. You can assuage it by applying peppermint oil on the belly and massage to facilitate gas expelling. You can also use warm towel on the belly to ease intestinal spasms. For infant's diet, mother's milk is recommended. Your baby may not get adapted to cow milk protein so it may aggravate the symptoms. Depending on the degree of colic, it goes away in some babies in several weeks. It may continue in other babies until they are 6 months old.

How is Colic treated in practice?