Colon polyps

Colon polyps are a general term for elevated lesions of the colon and rectum. Polyp is a benign disease. It is not a cancer and is not life-threatening. Colon polyps often causes bloody stool. When you have bloody stool, many people mistakenly think it is caused by hemorrhoids so they missed the best time to treat colon polyps. Colon polyps cause alternating constipation and diarrhea and abdominal pain. Normal stool is cylindrical. If there are colon polyps, they will press the stool, the stool becomes thin or flat. Sometimes there are bloody streaks on the stool. If colon polyps exist for a long time, it may develop into colon cancer. If they are found early, usually colon polyps can be removed safely and completely.

How is Colon polyps treated in practice?