Diabetic coma

Diabetic coma is a group of syndromes characterized by consciousness disorder. The onset of either high blood sugar or dangerously low blood sugar may lead to a diabetic coma. Diabetic coma is reversible. If left untreated, it can be fatal. Diabetic coma is a medical emergency. If the patient suddenly loses consciousness, helpers should immediately untie the patient's clothes and put patient in a sleeping position (face up) and keep the airway open. If the coma is caused by low blood sugar, drinking sugar water (or syrup) is very helpful. If the coma is caused by high blood pressure, patient can drink tea added with salt. If patient's mind is clear and can distinguish between two kinds of unconscious, it can be treated appropriately as above. If you cannot distinguish, the best way is not giving any drink but just waiting for ambulance to arrive.

How is Diabetic coma treated in practice?