Food borne and wound botulism

Botulism is intoxication caused by botulinum exotoxin. In addition to intestinal absorption, Botulinum toxin can also be absorbed through respiratory tract, conjunctiva and damaged skin. Food poisoning botulism is mainly caused by meat or canned food. Cases caused by eating fermented bread or pasta sauces were also reported. The onset is rapid. Patients mainly have central nervous system symptoms. Early symptoms include nausea and vomiting. Later you may have dizziness, headache, malaise, blurred vision or double vision. Critically ill patients can die within 24 hours. Treatment principles: 1. Reduce toxin absorption; 2. Antibiotic treatment; 3. Promote functional recovery of neuromuscular system; 4. Intravenous infusion, symptomatic and supportive treatment.

How is Food borne and wound botulism treated in practice?