Pink eye (conjunctivitis)

The medical term for pink eye is conjunctivitis. It is inflammation of conjunctiva--the transparent membrane covering the white part of your eyes and the inside of eyelids. It can be caused by bacteria infection, virus infection or allergy. Small blood vessels in conjunctiva are congested with blood so that white part of your eyes turns pink or red. Your eyes can also tear and have itching sensation. You may also feel there is something in your eyes. Secretion at night forms crust so it is difficult to open eyes when you wake up in the morning. Pink eye is often contagious, so you should have early diagnosis and treatment in order not to spread to others. If it is caused by bacteria infection, antibiotic eye drops can be used. If conjunctivitis is caused by viral infection, antibiotics are useless and usually you have to wait for it to heal. Pink eye caused by allergy is not contagious and can be treated by anti-allergy drugs.

How is Pink eye (conjunctivitis) treated in practice?